Posts Tagged ‘veggie gardening’

Magical Datura

The large white flowers open in the evening only and attract bees, moths and all kinds of nocturnal insects.

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Santa Fe Tomato Peach Salsa

After all, what is better than two much of a good thing? Double that.

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September in the Santa Fe Garden

I approach every September with mixed emotions, and sometimes I feel that that my plants follow me into this cycle.

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Potato Gratin

What to do when your gafills up with potato foliage? Well, cut the tops off to make room for sunlight to reach other plants near by, but that means dig up most of the potatoes.

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August 1 Container Gardens

Why worry if your house is surrounded by deck and no garden to look out from your windows? …

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Fresh Sour Cherry Cobbler

My favorite is the cherry. For many years now I have had a Montmorency Cherry tree right outside the back door. If we use them just for snacking, they are very bitter.

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Early June Gardening

The days are long, the evenings pretty with some clouds floating around, what more could we want? But wait? I only have four kinds of tomatoes in, and while the seeds are coming in well in the raise…

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