It was a project that started with a drawing (like most of our big jobs) but turned into a design build. Step one, remove the rotted log benches. Then, instead of working with the existing shape, we took shovels and changed the shape of the cuts in the hill to curves.
I’ve worked a lot on getting gardens to preform year round, and it’s difficult, especially when factors like water usage come into account too. But there are some plants to think about if August is an important time for you, and why wouldn’t it be? Summer is still amazing.
When I went back today, I was pleased that the peach tree and apple tree, planted last fall, had fruit on them, and the blue spruce trees had grown, the ash trees looked good, and the honeylocust was lovely.
Gardening is a game of gambling sometimes. We try new things and hope for the best.
In summary, experiment, repeat often but use much variety, don’t get attached, and have fun.
I approach every September with mixed emotions, and sometimes I feel that that my plants follow me into this cycle. It is almost like every day is a going away party, much like I hope to feel the summer that my son graduates from high school.
So much changes every day and it’s a battle to keep up with pruning, harvesting and attention to detail, but worth every minute of the battle.
My favorite is the cherry. For many years now I have had a Montmorency Cherry tree right outside the back door. If we use them just for snacking, they are very bitter. Last year I discovered baking with them. This year made it officially a July ritual, baking with the Montmorency cherries.
I looked out at the patio and golf ball sized hail had landed. Only a couple that big to be sure, but lots of smaller ones too. After a few seconds of processing that I was in an emergency, I ran outside.
Rose Growing in Santa Fe
While I am very fond of the many xeric perennials available in Santa Fe, having the privilege of managing some of the best rose gardens in Santa Fe has really made me appreciate the glory of roses.
Welcome to the summer solstice. We are through the planting rush and ready to kick back and watch things grow. Some things have shriveled, others boomed, others we are waiting to see.