Santa Fe Gardening in November

Gardening is a game of gambling sometimes. We try new things and hope for the best.

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September in the Santa Fe Garden

I approach every September with mixed emotions, and sometimes I feel that that my plants follow me into this cycle. It is almost like every day is a going away party, much like I hope to feel the summer that my son graduates from high school.

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Potato Gratin

What to do when your gafills up with potato foliage? Well, cut the tops off to make room for sunlight to reach other plants near by, but that means dig up most of the potatoes. After that, get out your casserole dish because it’s gratin time.

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Fresh Sour Cherry Cobbler

My favorite is the cherry. For many years now I have had a Montmorency Cherry tree right outside the back door. If we use them just for snacking, they are very bitter. Last year I discovered baking with them. This year made it officially a July ritual, baking with the Montmorency cherries.

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Cilantro green chile pesto

This pesto is not for the faint of heart, but none of my recipes will be. We all know how to throw together the ordinary. THis will use enough cilantro to make it count as your vegetable serving, and enable you to use some other herbs too.

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Garden Fresh Arugula Salad

Herbs: take a small handful of clippings from any ripe herbs that you have.

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